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Yanda, B.P.; Panchagnula, D.S.R.; Gentry, T.J.; Vaddiraju, S. Photocatalysis-Assisted Water Remediation Using Porous Nanowire Foams. Water 2025, 17, 462.
Naga Venkata Saidileep Korlapati, Faisal Khan, S. Vaddiraju, T. Cagin, “Hydrogen Diffusion Dynamics on 𝑭𝒆(𝟏𝟎𝟎) Surface: A mechanism of Hydrogen Induced Failure”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 65, 177-185, 2024.
Y. Qian, S. Vaddiraju, F. Khan, “Inherent Process Risk Index (IPRI) – A tool for analyzing Inherently Safer Design using Aspen Plus simulation”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 183, 399-416, 2024.
N. A. Vidwans, K. Y. Rhee, P. P. Lele, S. Vaddiraju “Real-time Deduction of Mechanisms and Kinetics Underlying Photocatalytic Water Disinfection: Cell Motility and Particle Tracking”, 3(9), 2938-2947, 2023.
Y. Qian, S. Vaddiraju, F. Khan, “Safety Education 4.0 - A response to the Process Industry 4.0 need”, Safety Science, 161, 106069, 2023.
Y. Chen, Nazanin A. Kazerooni, A. Srinivasa, W. A. Chapkin, S. Sihn, A. K. Roy and S. Vaddiraju, “Shape memory polymer composites (SMPCs) using interconnected nanowire network foams as reinforcements”, Nanotechnology, 34, 055601, 2023.
A. Mahadevan, S. V. Verkhoturov, S. Vaddiraju, M. Pietz, P. Di Carlo, S. Fernando, “Direct Wiring of Redox Cofactors onto Gold Electrodes Via Inorganic Iron-Sulfur Clusters Enhances Charge Transport”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics X, 12, 100279, 2022.
N. V. S. Korlapati, Faisal Khan, N. Quddus, S. Mirza, S. Vaddiraju, “Review and analysis of pipeline leak detection methods”, Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering, 2(4), 100074, 2022.
Kevin Chau, A. Djire, S. Vaddiraju, and Faisal Khan, “Process Risk Index (PRI) – a methodology to analyze the design and operational hazards in the processing facility”, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 165, 623-632, 2022.
J. Bockenstedt, N. Vidwans, T. Gentry, S. Vaddiraju, “Catalyst recovery, regeneration and reuse during large-scale disinfection of water using photocatalysis”, Water, 13, 2623, 2021.
G. Afreen, J. A. Lara-Ramos, N. A. Vidwans, V. Atla, V. Kumar, S. Vaddiraju, F. Machuca-Martinez, M. K. Sunkara, S. Upadhyayula, “Bulk production of porous TiO2 nanowires by unique solvo-plasma oxidation approach for combating biotic and abiotic water contaminants”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32, 21974-21987, 2021.
A. Ali, P. Shamberger, S. Vaddiraju, “Thermal conductivity of Mg2Si1-xSnx nanowire assemblies synthesized using solid-state phase transformation of silicon nanowires”, Materials Research Express, 8(2), 025005, 2021.
P. Kannan, S. Kotu, H. Pasman, S. Vaddiraju, A. Jayaraman, ‘A systems-based approach for modeling of microbiologically influenced corrosion implemented using static and dynamic Bayesian networks’, Journal of Loss Prevention in Process Industries, 65, 104108, 2020.
C. Miskin, S. Deshmukh, V. Vasiraju, K. Bock, G. Mittal, A. Dubois-Camacho, S. Vaddiraju, R. Agrawal, ‘Room temperature one-step synthesis of lead chalcogenide nanoparticles and size-controlled self-assemblies in an organic thiol-amine system’, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2(3), 1242-1252, 2019.
P. Kannan, S. Su, H. Castaneda-Lopez, M. S. Mannan, S. Vaddiraju, ‘A review of characterization and quantification tools for microbiologically influenced corrosion in the oil and gas industry: Current and future trends’, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57, 13895-13922, 2018.
Y. Chen, R. Polinnaya, S. Vaddiraju, ‘Byproduct-free Mass Production of Compound Semiconductor Nanowires: Zinc Phosphide’, Materials Research Express, 5, 055042, 2018.
V. Vasiraju, D. Norris, S. Vaddiraju, ‘Thermal Transport through Zn3P2 Nanowire-BN Microparticle/Nanoparticle Composites and Hybrids’, Materials Research Express, 4(7), 075041, 2017.
A. Ali, Y. Chen, V. Vasiraju, S. Vaddiraju, ‘Nanowire-based Thermoelectrics (Invited Topical Review)’, Nanotechnology, 28(28), 282001, 2017.
H. Li, Y. H. Yu, V. Vasiraju, S. Vaddiraju, Z. Cheng, ‘Investigation of Electron Transport Through Alkanedithoil of Functionalized Zn3P2 Nanowires for Hydrogen Production’, International Journal of Nano Studies & Technology, S1:001, 1-5, 2016.
A. Nie, L-Y Gan, Y. Cheng, X. Tao, Y. Yuan, S. Sharifi-Asl, K. He, H. Asayesh-Ardakani, V. Vasiraju, J. Lu, F. Mashayek, R. Klie, S. Vaddiraju, U. Schwingenschlögl, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, ‘Ultrafast and Highly Reversible Sodium Storage in Zinc-Antimony Intermetallic Nanomaterials’, Advanced Functional Materials, 26, 543-552, 2016.
V. Vasiraju, L. Brockway, S. Balachandran, A. Srinivasa, S. Vaddiraju, ‘Shear Induced Simultaneous Consolidation and Alignment of Silicon Nanowires into Ingots using Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE)’, Materials Research Express, 2(1), 015013, 2015.
G. Ramos-Sanchez, M. Albornoz, Y-H. Yu, Z. Cheng, V. Vasiraju, S. Vaddiraju, F. El Mellouhi, P. B. Balbuena, ‘Organic molecule functionalized Zn3P2 nanowires for photochemical water splitting and H2 production: DFT and Experimental Analyses’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39, 19887-19898, 2014.
A. Nie, Y. Cheng, Y. Zhu, H. Asayesh-Ardakani, R. Tao, F. Mashayek, Y. Han, U. Schwingenschlögl, R. F. Klie, S. Vaddiraju, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, ‘Lithiation-induced shuffling of atomic stacks’, Nano Letters, 14(9), 5301-5307, 2014.
L. Brockway, V. Vasiraju, M. K. Sunkara, S. Vaddiraju, ‘Engineering efficient thermoelectrics from large-scale assemblies of doped ZnO nanowires: Nanoscale effects and resonant-level scattering’, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6(17), 14923-14930, 2014.
V. Vasiraju, Y. Kang, S. Vaddiraju, ‘Non-conformal decoration of semiconductor nanowire surfaces with boron nitride (BN) molecules for stability enhancement: Degradation-resistant Zn3P2, ZnO and Mg2Si nanowires’, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16 (30), 16150-16157, 2014.
Y. Kang, S. Vaddiraju, ‘Solid-state phase transformation as a route for the simultaneous synthesis and welding of single-crystalline Mg2Si Nanowires’, Chemistry of Materials, 26, 2814, 2014.
L. Brockway, V. Vasiraju, H. Asayesh-Ardakani, R. Shahbazian-Yassar, S. Vaddiraju, ‘Thermoelectric properties of bulk Zn3P2 nanowire assemblies’, Nanotechnology, 25, 145401, 2014.
L. Brockway, V. Vasiraju, S. Vaddiraju, ‘Compositional disorder and its effect on the thermoelectric performance of Zn3P2 nanowire-copper nanoparticle composites, Nanotechnology, 25, 125402, 2014.
L. Brockway, M. Van Laer, Y. Kang, S. Vaddiraju, ‘Large-scale synthesis and in situ functionalization of Zn3P2 and Zn4Sb3 nanowire powders’, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 15, 6260-6267, 2013.
Y. Kang, L. Brockway, S. Vaddiraju, ‘A simple phase transformation strategy for converting silicon nanowires into metal silicide nanowires: Magnesium silicide’, Materials letters, 100, 106-110, 2013.
L. Brockway, C. Pendyala, J. Jasinski, M. K. Sunkara, S. Vaddiraju, ‘A postsynthesis decomposition strategy for group III–nitride quantum wires’, Crystal Growth & Design, 11(10), 4559-4564, 2011.
S. Vaddiraju, K. K. Gleason, ‘Selective sensing of volatile organic compounds using novel conducting polymer-metal nanoparticle hybrids’, Nanotechnology, 21, 125503, 2010.
C. Pendyala, S. Vaddiraju, J. H. Kim, J. Jasinski, Z. Q. Chen, M. K. Sunkara, ‘Self-nucleation and growth of group III-antimonide nanowires’, Semiconductor Science and technology, 25, 024014, 2010.
M. E. Alf, A. Asatekin, M. C. Barr, S. H. Baxamusa, H. Chelawat, G. Ozaydin-Ince, C. D. Petruczok, R. Sreenivasan, W. E. Tenhaeff, N. J. Trujillo, S. Vaddiraju, J. Xu, Karen K. Gleason, ‘Chemical vapor deposition of conformal, functional, and responsive polymer films’, Advanced Materials, 22, 1993-2027, 2010.
S. Vaddiraju, H. Cebeci, Karen K. Gleason, Brian L. Wardle, ‘Hierarchical multifunctional composites by conformally coating aligned carbon nanotube arrays with conducting polymer’, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 1, 2565, 2009.
S. Vaddiraju, K. Senecal, Karen K. Gleason, ‘Novel strategies for the deposition of -COOH conducting copolymer films and assembling inorganic nanoparticles on conducting polymer platforms’, Advanced Functional Materials, 18, 1929, 2008.
S. Vaddiraju, M. K. Sunkara, A. H. Chin, C. Z. Ning, G. R. Dholakia, M. Meyyappan, ‘Synthesis of group III-antimonide nanowires’, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 111(20), 7339, 2007.
J. Thangala, S. Vaddiraju, R. Bogale, R. Thurman, T. Powers, B. Deb, M. K. Sunkara, ‘Large scale, hot filament-assisted synthesis of tungsten oxide and related transition metal oxide nanowires’, Small, 3(5), 890, 2007.
A. H. Chin, T. S. Ahn, H. Li, S. Vaddiraju, C. J. Bardeen, C. Z. Ning, M. K. Sunkara, ‘Photoluminescence of GaN nanowires of different crystallographic orientations’, Nano Letters, 7(3), 626, 2007.
A. H. Chin, S. Vaddiraju, A. V. Maslov, C. Z. Ning, M. K. Sunkara, M. Meyyappan, ‘Near-infrared sub-wavelength wire lasers’, Applied Physics Letters, 88, 163115, 2006.
S. Vaddiraju, A. Mohite, A. Chin, M. Meyyappan, G. Sumanasekera, B. W. Alphenaar, M. K. Sunkara, ‘Mechanisms of 1D crystal growth in reactive vapor transport: Indium nitride nanowires’, Nano Letters, 5(8), 1625, 2005.